NFTPress Release

NFTBOOKS Community Free Library: The Gateway to Bringing Knowledge.

Blockchain and NFTBooks: A New Step in Publishing

NFTBOOKS, a name that has quickly become familiar in the global technology community and among book lovers, is not only a pioneering product from Australia but also a breakthrough in the field of book publishing, built since 2021. Utilizing blockchain technology, NFTBOOKS has not only created a unique publishing platform but has also opened the door for passionate authors all around the globe to express their talents in various languages.

Book copyrights are protected absolutely, with each book being an NFT, and every transaction is meticulously controlled through entirely automated smart contracts. This has elevated the efficiency of book publishing to a new level, while simultaneously creating a unique opportunity for readers to experience their favorite books at an incredibly reasonable cost – either buying directly from the author or renting for less than one cent. But it doesn’t stop there. This is also a playground where both professional and amateur translators can search for and sign book translation contracts in different languages with just a few clicks.

NFTBOOKS Community Free Library: Spreading Knowledge to Everyone

Parallel to the relentless upgrading of existing unique features, creatively innovating and constantly renewing, the NFTBooks team has continually introduced to the global community of book enthusiasts bold changes and fresh, impressive new products. Among these, the launch of the “Free Library – NFTBOOKS” has garnered community interest. Just as a house needs a solid foundation to build upon, the stable growth of NFTBooks is founded on the vision and mission that the team identified right from the initial steps. That is the aspiration to “Share and spread human knowledge through reading books.” This vision is not confined to mere words but is manifested in every decision and action of the development team.

From the earliest stages of human development, books have contained an infinite treasury of knowledge that generations of ancestors have marked and left for posterity. The compilation and building of millions of book titles over time, from forgotten ancient books to timeless literary masterpieces of the world such as “War and Peace,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “The Great Gatsby,” and current famous works, have created the unceasing diversity and richness of the library that NFTBOOKS is building.

With the launch of the “Free Library – NFTBOOKS,” each work is embraced and widely shared, based on compliance with international copyright publishing laws. Authors are also encouraged to donate to the community of book lovers by contributing their works to the library.

Each book, each page, each line of text, contains a piece of the soul, a bit of history, a touch of culture, a message. NFTBooks has not only preserved these values but also spread them to everyone, everywhere, free of charge. They stand as witnesses to the development of society, of humanity, and NFTBooks itself has brought them closer to people. That is the mission, the pride, and the unceasing journey of NFTBooks in spreading knowledge and love for books.

Journey and Dream: The Power of Knowledge and Community

NFTBooks understands that the strength of knowledge is not only in creating superior products and services, but also in spreading them to the community. That’s why we have tirelessly strived to create a space where everyone, whether they are students, teachers, or anyone with a thirst for learning, can access knowledge easily and effectively. And in that process, we never forget to focus on the core values that NFTBooks aims for.

Chau Nguyen, Co-Founder of NFTBOOKS, describes this clearly: “Regardless of the product, the first thing we aim for is the value it brings to the NFTBOOKS community specifically and to the community of book lovers around the world in general.”

In lively discussions with professors and teachers, we have felt the power of dreams, the thirst of the flame of knowledge. With understanding and sharing, we have opened the door, not only as a platform for reading books but also as a home for everyone with a shared mission to spread knowledge. The development team will fully support universities, educational organizations, etc., in building libraries on NFTBooks, creating a civilized playground, a cultural bridge, and a diverse picture of knowledge, all free of charge.

Mr. Allan Nguyen, the Excutive Advisor of the NFTBooks team, further shares: “At NFTBooks, pride comes not only from being part of the community of book lovers but also from becoming the spark igniting the power of knowledge. Every day, every product, every creation carries within it a noble mission: to open the doors of knowledge, to encourage a love for reading culture, and to create a world where knowledge is spread everywhere, to everyone. It’s not just work; it’s life, its belief, and the value that each member of the NFTBooks team is pursuing.”

This spread of humanistic value has not only stopped at the level of ideas or plans. It has been enthusiastically embraced and supported by many young people at the event that NFTBooks participated in, “The Circle of America 2023,” an annual major event for Vietnamese youth in America.


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